The Kitchen needs sunshine. I say that every March; I have not figured out how to outlast the winter rains. I enter the fall season with optimism, knowing that apples and pumpkins, and pears, and warm fall spices are marching into my pantry eager to be baked into fall deliciousness. Fall Bakes roll over into Thanksgiving Bakes followed by the traditions of Christmas. Each season is a celebration of beloved traditions coupled with the joy of the discovery of new recipes. And then New Years rolls around and The Kitchen enters into the long, wet, dark season. I enter the dark season with an optimistic spirit. "This year will be different," is The Kitchen mantra. And this year was different ... until March. The Kitchen persevered through January. The Kitchen persevered through February. The Kitchen is gasping in its perseverance through March. March brings more rain, persistent cold, and gray clouds than The Kitchen can cheerfully endure. I must look for bright spots between the gray.
I was thrilled to stumble into a bright spot just this week. I was carded at a local wine tasting event! I asked the nice card lady if it was because of my youthful appearance. She cooperated with my fantasy with an affirmative answer and then sucked in her breath and said, "Oh wow!" after scanning my driver's license. I think she was shocked at my youthful appearance despite my age. Oh yes! The sun was shining in the private world between my ears.
I floated out of the wine shop and into my favorite vintage shop... I was full of my own youthful appearance until I was asked at checkout if I was eligible for the old woman discount. I am cheap. I answered truthfully. I am eligible. Bye bye Mr. Sunshine. Hello Sir Gray Cloud.
Not many days later I ventured out into the rain to pull weeds and curse the moss. Despite my sour mood I found 6 little crocus bravely blooming in the chill. They gave me hope. The sun will shine. The earth will warm and flowers will bloom again.
The sun peeked between the clouds and through my window at my day job. I greeted him cheerfully albeit it in silence. I hope he knows how welcome he is my world.
I think my Day Job students understand the gray that permeates my usual cheerful countenance. Someone, who will likely remain nameless. left a love note on my desk. She said I was her sunshine and I make her happy when the skies are gray. My Day Job Students make me happy, too. When the skies are gray they are my sunshine.
But please Mr. Sunshine return to my world. I love you. I need you.